Kata Consultancies - Lean Competency System

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An independent endorsement of your kata training

A consultancy with a kata training capability can become an Accredited Certifier of Kata Competency enabling it to issue KCS Certificates of Kata Competency to learners who progress through its training. It’s a valuable addition to the consultancy’s service, as building its client’s staff kata capability is critical in the journey to developing a sustainable CI culture.

Click Register to start the accrediting process.

The benefits of becoming an accredited consultancy

  • Added value to your core training offering, for improved margins and competitive advantage.
  • A solution to the growing need for accredited training and for qualifications with strong market presence and high perceived value.
  • Independent endorsement of your kata training credentials.
  • A robust framework around which kata programmes and training courses can be developed.
  • A focus on practice that improves training impact and can lead to additional business opportunities.
  • Career progression and professional development for practitioners.
  • Linkage to the LCS and Lean Enterprise Research Centre networks for collaboration.
  • Association with the LCS – an established global CI qualification

The KCS framework

The KCS qualifications framework has seven levels of kata competency, categorised into three Groups.

Who can become KCS accredited?

Any consultancy that has its own kata training programme for its staff, or its clients’ staff, can be accredited and so certify those it trains. The programme can be at any scale, from an individual consultant delivering occasional training at one KCS Level, to an academy delivering courses at several KCS Levels to many learners. There are no geographic restrictions to becoming accredited. The consultant should have in place:

  • A kata methodology and defined approach to improvement
  • A kata training programme in place that can be aligned to the KCS framework
  • Delivery resources and training support mechanisms

Qualifications for experienced practitioner consultants

Note that experienced practitioner consultants can become KCS qualified at Level 2 through the Approved Prior Learning and Experience (APLE) route to certification. Click below to find out more.

How to become accredited

PDF guide

The Guide to Becoming KCS Accredited provides background information, full details of what is involved and describes the process to follow.

Accreditation stages

There are six stages to follow in the accrediting process


Check out the fee page which describes the structure and approach.

Register today and become a KCS accredited consultant

Complete a Registration Form to start the process to become accredited