Kata Fees - Lean Competency System

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KCS accreditation fee structure

Fees are payable for two years at the start of the accreditation period

Applying organisations choose to accredit to just Level 1, Levels 1 and 2, or Levels 1, 2 and 3. Each option has an allowance of certificates to be issued over the two year licence period. For example, at if you are accredited to Level 3, you can issue 150 certificates at Level 1, 2 and 3.

If you require additional certificates at any point, these can be purchased on a per unit basis to top up your allowance.

Fees vary for different types of organisations:

  • Public service organisations
  • Commercial organisations – organisations using the KCS for their own staff (internal)
  • Commercial organisations – consultants, using the KCS to train their own staff, clients’ staff or the general public (external)

Fee table

Levels  External, internal, public svc 2 year fee 2 year certificate allowance Cost of additional certificates per unit
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Level 1 External £2,800 50 £15.00
Internal £2,380
Public svc £2,380
Level 2 External £5,500 100
Internal £4,675
Public svc £3,970
Level 3 External £8,200 150
Internal £6,970
Public svc £5,925


  • The fees shown in the table are in UK£. Invoices can be in € or UK£.
  • Fees shown are exclusive of VAT.
  • The two-year fee is payable when accreditation has been granted.
  • There are no fees payable other than the accreditation fee, unless extra certificates are purchased.
  • Internal refers to a system that is dedicated to training in-house employees. External refers to a system that primarily trains members of the public or other organisations’ employees.
  • Commercial organisations are defined as those organisations that are geared to making a profit from their business activities.
  • Public service organisations are defined as those that are not commercially oriented and deliver services for the benefit of the public or society on a not-for-profit basis.

Register to become KCS accredited

When you are ready to start the accrediting process, submit a Registration Form