KCS Level 2 APLE Certification - Lean Competency System

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For experienced kata practitioners

KCS Level 2 APLE Certification

An independent endorsement of your kata capability

KCS Level 2 Certification by the Approved Prior Learning & Experience (APLE) route is a mechanism for senior kata practitioners to become KCS certified based on their kata coaching experience and knowledge gained from roles in organisations or consultancies. It is obtained directly via the KCS.

KCS Level 2 has three sub-levels: A, B and C. The depth and breadth of practical experience differentiates these:

  • L2A: is able to coach an individual
  • L2B: is able to coach several individuals
  • L2C: is able to develop new coaches

Click the links below to download the KCS L2 APLE brochure and to see the Level Descriptors for Level 2.

The benefits of becoming Level 2 Certified

  • It provides independent endorsement of your kata coaching capabilities from a respected, authoritative organisation.
  • It strengthens your credibility as a kata coach among the CI practitioner community. your colleagues and customers.
  • It helps improve your confidence and self-assurance as a kata practitioner.
  • You will be part of a global community of improvement practitioners, with excellent networking, learning and research opportunities.

Application Process

You can apply via the online application form and kata evidence portfolio. Once received, your application is acknowledged and you will be contacted within two weeks with a decision.

1. An online application form is submitted, along with supporting evidence on kata coaching experience in the form of a kata evidence portfolio. A statement is included in the application form summarising the applicant’s capability and how this meets the Level 2 requirements

2. The application and portfolio are reviewed with the following possible outcomes

i) Application fully accepted; proceed to certification.

ii) Application accepted, but requires additional evidence of formal knowledge capability; proceed to test.

iii) Revisions required to application; make amendments and resubmit.

iv) Application rejected due to insufficient experience or knowledge

3. The applicant is informed of the outcome. If it is i) or ii), the applicant is invoiced.

4. Following invoice payment, the KCS Certificate is sent.

Who can become KCS certified via the APLE route?

Applicant suitability

Applicants are likely to be experienced CI practitioners using kata as part of their organisation’s or consultancy’s improvement effort, on a full time or part time basis. They will be familiar with the kata body of knowledge and in particular to work of Mike Rother.

For Level 2A:

The successful Level 2A practitioner shall provide evidence that they have:

  1. Regularly, at least twice a week, used the coaching kata in a real working situation leading a learner to meeting a minimum of consecutive three target conditions on the way to achieving a well-defined challenge
  2. Completed a minimum of 60 coaching cycles, 20 of which include observation and feedback from a second coach.

For Level 2B:

The successful Level 2B practitioner shall provide evidence that they have:

  1. Conducted regular coaching cycles over a longer period, with regular observation and feedback by an experienced second coach.
  2. Used the coaching kata 5-phase coaching model in a real environment supporting more than one learner to meet several well-defined Challenges, and completed a minimum of 120 coaching cycles, 30 of which include observation and feedback from a Second Coach.
  3. Used, at least twice a week, the coaching kata in a real situation, leading each learner to meeting a minimum of consecutive three target conditions on the way to achieving a defined challenge

Applying & Fees

Complete an application form and a kata coaching experience portfolio. You will be advised to complete the portfolio after an initial review of your application.

The fee for Level 2 KCS APLE certification without a knowledge test is £625.00 (plus VAT) / €705.00.

The fee for Level 2 KCS APLE certification including a knowledge test: £695.00 (plus VAT) / €785.00.

Application Form

Click on the link below to access the L2 APLE application form

Kata Coaching Experience Portfolio

Complete and submit your evidence portfolio when advised by your KCS assessor.

KCS Level 2 APLE Brochure

Download a PDF Level 2 APLE brochure.