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5. Fees

Standard Accreditation

Accreditation Fee Calculator

You can use the Fee Calculator to check the fee applicable for your particular circumstances and currency.

Refer to the £ and € fee tables to view the six accreditation and re-accreditation fee bands - click items 6 or 7 in Useful links on the right.


Fee Notes

  1. Fees shown are exclusive of VAT. VAT may not be charged if the accredited organisation is based outside of the UK.
  2. Internal refers to a system that is dedicated to training in-house employees. External refers to a system that primarily trains members of the public or other organisations’ employees.
  3. A commercial organisation is geared to making a profit from their business activities. Public services deliver services on a not-for-profit basis.
  4. An organisation accredited to LCS Levels 1b and above, can issue LCS Level 1a Certificates at no additional fee, up to the number of Level 1b and above certificates it plans to issue. For example, an organisation that intends to issue up to 200 Level 1b (and above) certificates over two years, can also issue 200 Level 1a certificates at no extra charge.
  5. An accredited organisation can buy additional Level 1a certificates at £3.00 / €3.60 each (plus VAT) for the first 2,500 and £2.00 / €2.50 each (plus VAT) for over 2,500 Level 1a certificates.
  6. The two-year fee is payable when accreditation is confirmed. Fees for pay-for-issue Level 1a certificates can be paid up-front with the accreditation fee or at the time when the facility needs to be utilised.
  7. There are no fees payable other than the accreditation fee and, where applicable, fees for pay-for-issue Level 1a certificates.
  8. Organisations in the Euro zone are invoiced in Euros. Invoices can also be in US$.