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Member Profile


Simon JH Elias esq

Simply Lean Ltd, Director of Improvement

Member since: December 2020

LCS Qualifications

This section displays the member's verified LCS Certificates of Lean Competency. Click on LCS level explained for an explanation of the level and what its holder is expected to know and be able do.

Awarded: May 2014 - LCS central

Certificate Reference: qwerty

Awarded: October 2017 - LCS central

Certificate Reference: 123456

Awarded: May 2019 - LCS Ltd

Certificate Reference: 98765

Other Qualifications & Achievements

This section displays the member's other verified CI/lean related awards, certificates and diplomas, in areas such as Lean Six Sigma, Agile and Project Management. It may also contain supporting material that provides additional insights and context, such as project reports, presentations and articles. If this material is present, click on Supporting materials to download the file.

MBA in Marketing

Date awarded: June 1982 | Awarded by: City University, London

BSc Econ

Date awarded: June 1979 | Awarded by: Swansea University

Diploma in Market Research

Date awarded: June 1983 | Awarded by: Market Research Society

LSS Master Black Belt

Date awarded: April 2017 | Awarded by: Sigma College, London


This section contains background information about the member, including employment history and general education. The Biography box provides a personal summary - for example, the member's key attributes that have emerged from employment and education to date and key interests, skills and achievements.


An experienced and well qualified manager with a background in services improvement and new product introduction. Has managed several complex change projects in multinational organisations and has a proven track record in generating significant bottom line impacts.


BSc Econ

Institution: Swansea University

Dates: September 1976 - June 1979

MBA in Marketing

Institution: City University Business School, London

Dates: September 1981 - August 1982


Improvement specialist

Employer: ABC Consumer Services Ltd

Dates: May 2003 - December 2007

Head of Lean

Employer: Lean4US

Dates: January 2008 - March 2012

CI Director

Employer: Excellence Consulting Ltd

Dates: May 2013 - November 2019