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Member Profile


Martin Philipp

Member since: February 2020

LCS Qualifications

This section displays the member's verified LCS Certificates of Lean Competency. Click on LCS level explained for an explanation of the level and what its holder is expected to know and be able do.

Awarded: December 2019 - Cardiff University

Certificate Reference: LCSL1912L3MP


This section contains background information about the member, including employment history and general education. The Biography box provides a personal summary - for example, the member's key attributes that have emerged from employment and education to date and key interests, skills and achievements.


Dr.-Ing. Martin Philipp has a degree in Mechanical Engineering. Interdisciplinary and multinational cooperation has been a guiding theme throughout his professional career. It started in the field of product data management n 1995, when he joined the team that created the ISO standard 10303-214 - Core data for automotive mechanical design processes under the umbrella of the international Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG). In 2000 he joined the Military Aircraft unit of EADS, now Airbus, implementing product data management for aircraft systems engineering. Over time, Martin held positions in quality management, process management and industrial engineering, shifting his focus from data management to processes and process improvement. Amongst others, he mentored the LeanSixSigma Black Belt candidates in the unit and coordinated medium and large scale improvement programs. After a stint as internal consultant in the space division of Airbus in the field of Business Excellence, Martin joined the Center of Operational Excellence at E.ON in 2015. Since then he has contributed to deployment of Operational Excellence in retail, distribution, and the nuclear fleet. His main focus is on continuous improvement and extension of the E.ON OE framework and the conduct of OE maturity assessments on all levels of the organization.


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