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3. Certification Process

Level 2 APLE Certification

The Level 2 APLE Certification Process

STAGE A: Application & Cases

  1. Complete the online Level 2 APLE Application Form. This captures information on roles in employment (including CI implementation achievements) and training/education undertaken. It also requires you to make a statement summarising how your CI knowledge and practical experience meets the Level 2 criteria and asks for the names of two references that may be contacted to corroborate your application.
  2. Upload to the application form relevant training course or academic certificates.
  3. Submit the application form to the LCS.
  4. Once your application is submitted, please submit two case studies via the online case study templates. These are likely to be already referenced in the application form.
  5. Please always submit your case studies straight after your application.

STAGE B: Application Assessment

  1. The application and case studies are assessed and the outcome communicated to the applicant. The possible outcomes are:
    1. Application and case studies fully accepted; proceed to certification.
    2. Application and case studies accepted, though insufficient/no evidence provided of formal knowledge testing; proceed to the test
    3. Revisions required to the application and/or case studies (specified in the evaluation report); make amendments and resubmit.
    4. Application and/or case studies rejected due to insufficient experience or evidence of knowledge.
  2. Take the knowledge test if required.
  3. Application approved.
  4. Applicant invoiced and payment made
  5. LCS Certificate issued & application assessment report sent

Application Assessment Report

Successful applicants are sent a summary report of the assessment of their application with their certificate.