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Tips for Optimising your Digital Credentials Profile

Setting up your digital credentials profile is the first step – but what happens now? How do you ensure that your profile is as strong as it can be, and how do you make sure people are seeing your profile?

First, if you haven’t yet got a digital credentials profile – our article on why digital credentials are an essential in today’s climate is a must-read.

If you’re all set up with your digital credentials profile, we have all the tips and tricks you need to make a killer professional online profile, that’s sure to deliver maximum impact.

1. Make sure your profile is filled out to the max

That means no empty fields – no-one loves a half-baked attempt. Take the extra time to fill out every aspect of your profile, and really consider what you say about yourself. This is your chance to sell yourself – include every qualification you’re proud of and write your bio in a way that authentically represents you. Remember, the idea is for it to be seen by others, so make sure it’s something you’re proud of.

2. Link your profile up with your LinkedIn account

Once your profile is ready to go, the next step is to link it up with your LinkedIn account for maximum exposure. To do this, simply:

  • Go to your LinkedIn profile, and find the “Licenses & Certifications” section on your profile page.
  • Click the ‘+’ sign to add licenses and certifications and the following window will come up.
  • Start filling in the fields, using the following format:
    • Type in your LCS Level in the Name
    • In the Issuing organisation field, start typing Lean Competency System – it should appear, as it is already listed as an “Issuing organisation”.
    • Check the box: This credential does not expire.
    • Add the issue date.
    • In the Credential ID type in your LCS certificate reference.
    • In the Credential URLfield, copy and paste in your LCS profile website link.
    • Click Save.

Top Tip: If you have multiple LCS qualifications, add each one into LinkedIn individually so that your full lean qualification CV is displayed. You can just use your same digital credentials profile link each time.

3. Add a link to your profile in your email signature

Get a little extra exposure and give people direct access to your digital profile by adding a link to it in your email signature. This means that every time you email someone, you are potentially increasing the visibility of your professional profile. Not only does this add credibility in a professional capacity, but it also opens the door to potential career opportunities.

4. Share your profile using the social media sharing icons

Every LCS digital credentials profile has social media sharing icons, making it ultra-easy to click a button and share your profile with friends and followers. This simply offers another opportunity to expose your profile, increasing its visibility, and also allows it to be re-shared by colleagues, peers and employers.

5. Use your profile as an online CV

Whether you are job hunting or simply putting the feelers out for new career opportunities, your digital credentials profile offers a great insight into your past and present experience. Send your profile link, along with any other applications, as an accompanying tool to strengthen your resume, giving a rounded and impressive perception of your capabilities.

Have you already been promoting your digital credentials profile online? We’d love to hear how it’s helped so far! Get in touch with your feedback.

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