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From where can I get a replacement LCS personal certificate?

Accredited organisations are responsible for storing candidate records and issuing certificates. You should contact the accredited organisation that provided your LCS related training in the first instance in order to obtain a replacement. This will probably have been your employer or an LCS accredited consultant working for your employer. See LCS Client List.

Who issues personal LCS certificates?

For how long are personal LCS certificates valid?

What is the LCS organisation certificate?

How can I verify the authenticity of a personal LCS certificate?

How can I tell which organisation issued my personal LCS certificate?

Accreditation Philosophy

Accreditation Suitability

What sort of organisations can become accredited?

Is it suitable for all sectors?

Can consultants and training companies be accredited?

Can organisations outside the UK become accredited?

Does LCS apply to online, web based courses?

The LCS Company & Licence

Who holds the LCS University licence?

How long is the LCS University licence?

With which organisation do LCS customers contract?

Is the University logo used on LCS certificates, etc?

What the relationship between LCS Ltd and Cardiff Business School?

Accreditation Structure

How many different types of accreditation are there?

How long does the standard accrediting process take?

Does a training system have to accredit to all levels at once?

What are the benefits of accreditation?

What exactly is accredited?


What is a 'lean training system'?

What is the difference between 'accreditation' and 'certification'?

How does the LCS define 'lean thinking'?

Does the word 'lean' have to feature explicitly in an organisation's training system?


What does accreditation entitle an organisation to do?

Who issues LCS certificates?

Are individuals who deliver training for the organisation also personally accredited?

Can an organisation be accredited to all seven levels of competency?

How long does the LCS licence last?


How does LCS relate to other qualifications?

How do you check a certificate's authenticity?

How do the LCS Levels compare to Six Sigma belts?

Other Services

What other services does the LCS organisation provide?

Does the LCS deliver training?

Accreditation Fees

What determines the accreditation fee?

When are accreditation fees payable?

Are there any concessions for public service organisations?

Are the different LCS Levels treated equally in the fee schedule?

Can an accredited organisation issue more certificates that it originally opted for at the start of the accreditation period?

APLE Level 2 & 3

What does APLE stand for?

How long does APLE Level 2 take?

What are the benefits of Level 3?

Can I pay for Level 3 in instalments?
Can I take a course to gain Level 3?
How long does Level 3 take?

What are the minimum requirements for Level 3?

Can I submit in any language?