As many enter a new financial year, organisations have an opportunity to reassess the strategic positioning of their improvement functions. This reassessment should be informed by a structured analysis of past performance,...
For organisations committed to Operational Excellence, a robust Continuous Improvement (CI) strategy is essential. This foundational framework establishes the systematic methods, governance structures and cultural elements...
For organisations committed to Continuous Improvement (CI), collaboration is not just a value - it’s a necessity. Yet, many businesses still struggle with silos that slow down progress, block innovation and create inefficiencies....
Improvement leaders lead people, not just processes, and right now, leading others is a tough gig. Improvement leaders need the skills to thrive in their role AND help others do the same in difficult economic times.
As the year draws to a close, it’s natural to start thinking about what’s next. But before diving headlong into the promises of the new year, there’s a valuable opportunity right now: the end-of-year review. For improvement...
Many organisations today describe their improvement approach as ‘Lean Six Sigma’ and ask how Lean Six Sigma relates to the Lean Competency System (LCS). Some assume that because the LCS uses the word ‘lean’ it...
Training Within Industry
Training Within Industry– TWI – is often referred to as the forerunner of contemporary lean thinking and while developed in the US over 70 years ago to support the World War Two war effort, it is still...
Total productive maintenance (TPM) is a lean maintenance methodology that looks to maximise the utilization of your available resources such as machines, processes, and procedures as well as your employees, to...
Is Lean Thinking Only Applicable to Manufacturing?
Lean’s success has been tried, tested and proven in manufacturing and with the service industry constantly growing, many in the sector are also looking at whether or not the same...
Is gamification right for your company? Are your sales reps excited to come to work each day?
Or do they dread each call, pensively check their monitor clocks, mentally computing how much time there is left before they can leave...