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Your personal continuous improvement platform

LCS Continuing Professional Development

Now available!

An exclusive online web-platform for LCS certificate holders to set continuous improvement goals, track progress and have their achievements endorsed by the LCS.

Proactively develop your lean abilities and skills by planning activities, recording personal continuous improvement milestones and submitting progress checks for LCS endorsements.

Attend an Introduction to LCS CPD webinar to find out more  – click Webinar below.

If you are logged in as a Practitioner Member, click on the Account link above to upgrade. Otherwise, click Register.

Structured pathway to CI professional development

Practitioners are given the framework and resources to independently self-manage their continuous improvement activities. Our CPD system directs you to follow the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) model of improvement, encouraging ongoing cycles of development activity.

Helping you stay up to date with the latest lean thinking and practice

CPD is an ongoing process, ensuring that your competency does not become outdated. The platform motivates and directs you to create ‘lean habits’ and is an indicator that you’re taking action to stay up to date with the latest lean trends and innovations. It also provides reassurance that your competence is being continuously improved as a result of learning and practicing activities.

A tangible achievement to display to the community

As part of your CPD registration, you will receive a certificate and digital badge once your CPD plan has been endorsed by the LCS. Your CPD registered badge will also display on your digital credentials profile, indicating that you are actively engaged in continuous improvement.

Who can sign up to LCS CPD?

CPD is for lean or continuous improvement practitioners with an LCS certificate

Whilst practitioners can apply on an individual basis, some organisations may choose to include CPD as part of their LCS Accredited package and offer it to selected employees. Consultancies may choose to incorporate it into their offering.

At present, those registering for CPD need to be a Premium Practitioner Member with an LCS qualification.

You can attend the next Introduction to LCS CPD Webinar –  click Register >>>

How to start your CPD journey

  1. Sign up to our Premium Practitioner Membership.
  2. Create an A3 plan and set your goals for continuous improvement.
  3. Log and monitor your progress over the course of your CPD cycle (12 months maximum).
  4. Submit progress checks, which the LCS will endorse, providing comments and feedback.
  5. Once you have completed your CPD cycle, the LCS will endorse it.

What else do I get when I sign up to CPD?

  • A comprehensive CPD handbook,  detailed ‘how to’ guides and explainer videos.
  • Your A3 plan and periodic progress checks approved and endorsed by LCS assessors.
  • Information on conferences, courses, webinars, videos, and reading material that can aid professional development.
  • Webpage help, tips and FAQs.
  • Access to the CPD community to share experiences and insights.

Introduction to CPD in Six Questions

A short video that goes through the essence of LCS CPD and how to register.


Premium Practitioner Membership Fees

CPD is part of Premium Practitioner Membership (PPM), which is purchased annually.

PPM Annual Membership

Once you have paid your PPM fee, you can start your CPD cycle by creating your A3 plan.

  • Initial PPM annual fee £55.00 + VAT
  • Renewal PPM annual fee £45.00 + VAT
  • At the end of your CPD cycle, you can create a new A3 plan for another cycle, including new priorities and development goals.
  • If you achieve your goals in less than 12 months, you can start another CPD cycle immediately.

Key CPD features

The LCS CPD model is lean in essence and has unique features not found in other CPD approaches:

  • CPD cycle using the PDCA model – up to 12 months to complete a cycle.
  • An A3 personal development plan
  • A web based platform to create your plan, log your development activities and link them to your development goals
  • A personal development framework which is self-assessed and self-directed
  • A CPD certificate and digital CPD badge to display on your PPM profile page
  • Flexibility in selecting relevant CPD activities
  • Your plan and progress approved and endorsed by the LCS

Registering for PPM

You can upgrade to become a PPM through your online member account.

Once you are a PPM, an option to register for CPD will appear in your account drop down menu.

Have a question?
Get in touch

If you have questions, get in touch and we’d be happy to answer them.