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Improved LCS Web Pages

We’ve made several changes to improve the navigation, readability and clarity of the LCS website, with the main changes shown below.

Feel free to comment, as this is only the latest standard on which further improvements will be built!

LCS Global Reach

Since its launch in 2005, the LCS has spread to all corners of the globe, as the map illustrates, reflecting the growth in take up of lean thinking and related continuous improvement ideas.  This has been achieved through direct accreditation of organisations in different countries and the use of the LCS by accredited multinational organisations. The growth of eLearning is set to expand LCS coverage in coming years.

We’ll enhance our data collection in this area, which will enable us to paint a more detailed picture of worldwide LCS usage in the future.

TUI Network Event Stimulates!

Members of the LCS community enjoyed an excellent day of networking and information sharing at the Network Event on 5th July in Luton, hosted by TUI UK & Ireland.

TUI described its CI journey to date and highlighted the successes as well as issues faced. An introduction to the organisation that boasts, among other things, 16 cruise liners, 150 aircraft and 300 hotels, served to demonstrate its excitement, breadth and complexity as well as the challenge of introducing and embedding lean thinking.

A group exercise on embedding a CI culture focussed the group on a perennial issue faced by many on a lean journey, which generated valuable output and discussion. A guest presentation by Luke Treglown from Thomas International on Psychometrics and its application to continuous improvement provided some intellectual stimulation and the LCS discussed plans to fashion a research project on the subject later in the year.

Event images – click to enlarge

Continuing Professional Development

After several months of piloting, the LCS is making its Continuing Professional Development (CPD) available to the general community. It is the first CPD initiative for the lean community and presents a unique and innovative approach to professional development

Download the CPD Brochure

Visit the CPD web pages

What is LCS CPD?

LCS Continuing Professional Development (CPD) offers a unique mechanism to help career practitioners identify and establish their personal continuous improvement goals, signalling to the business community that their competency is current and well-practiced.

Viewed as a personal Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) model of improvement, the LCS CPD framework complements the current LCS qualification structure. Those registered become LCS Professional Practitioners and the CPD process aims to embed and strengthen a holistic lean mindset and capability through constant self-assessment, goal-setting, sharing and refection.

Benefits of LCS CPD

  • It’s an indicator to the lean community that you are up to date with the latest lean thinking and practice.
  • It provides reassurance that your competence is being continuously improved as a result of learning and practicing activities.
  • It creates ‘lean habits’ in the way that you organise and plan your personal development.
  • You will have a robust mechanism to motivate, guide and direct you along your lean professional development path.
  • It provides opportunities for learning, sharing and networking with other Professional Practitioners and organisations via the CPD network.
  • You will receive tangible elements of achievement to display and communicate, including the LCS CPD certificate and badge.


LCS CPD is structured around a PDCA framework, thus providing a cycle of development activity.

The cycle starts with the development of a personal A3 plan, while the Do part of the cycle is the core ongoing element, comprising of three types of activities:

  • Learning
  • Practicing
  • Communicating

Self Managed and Directed Process

Practitioners are given the framework and resources to independently manage their continuous improvement activities.

CPD files are accessed via a personal cloud-based CPD folder in which you store all your core documents and supporting evidence of your work. This makes your progress easy to manage, track and review by LCS assessors.

Reduced LCS Fees & New Ready Reckoner

Lower Fees, Higher Certificate Allowance

LCS accreditation fees have been reduced and restructured following a review in 2017 that aimed to reflect changing customer needs and market behaviour, as well as ensure that business growth and improvements led to greater value in the LCS proposition.

A key change is the introduction of a free allowance of Level 1a certificates for accredited organisations, equivalent to the number of Level 1b and above certificates they plan to issue, So, for example, if an organisation aims to issue 200 Level 1b certificates over the two year accreditation period, it would also get an allowance of 200 Level 1a certificates at no extra charge.

Raising Awareness

The free Level 1a certificate allowance initiative reflects a growing trend in organisations to require a high proportion of operational staff to be aware of the main continuous improvement concepts and principles, as well as the organisation’s approach to improvement. This helps ‘prepare the ground’ for improvement initiatives that will require their positive involvement and support, assists with reducing resistance to change that accelerates the desired cultural changes.

The new LCS fee structure also now includes the option to buy in extra Level 1a certificates on a per unit basis, acting as a top-up to the allowance, thus providing a highly cost effective means to achieve large scale certification at the awareness level.

The Ready Reckoner

To help organisations’ quickly understand the cost of different accreditation scenarios, an accreditation fee ready reckoner has been created. You simply select from a number of variables, such as new or renewal, internal or external training and number of certificates required, press calculate fee button and hey presto, the two year fee is displayed in a currency of your choice.



Season’s Greetings!

“When Santa got stuck up the chimney he began to shout,
Is there a lean thinker anywhere who can get me out?”