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Tag Archives: Sustainability

Does Lean & Green Apply to Electronics Manufacturing?

A Gemba walk with Lean and Green glasses Introduction Although Lean and Green is a relatively new concept, the customary view is that it applies to “heavyweight” manufacturing.  In other words, value streams that involve significant use of heating, cooling, power, chemicals, machining and large component manufacture. However, nearly everything... Read More

A Fractal View of Lean

“…or why Broccoli is good for you!” Introduction Some contend that lean is at a tipping point in its life cycle. Will it wither away as just another business improvement fad, or will it thrive, survive and grow and bring its full potential to bear on business, the public sector... Read More

The Five Key Components of Sustainability?

At the 2016 PEX & Performance Management Europe conference in Amsterdam, we ran an ‘interactive discussion group’ on the key enablers of sustainability. Participants were given 24 cards, each containing a potential sustainability enabler, that they had to rank in order importance. Sustainability was defined as when new ways of working and... Read More

Big Business By Giving Back

Last year, Cardiff Business School launched its Public Value Business Strategy. It aims to be the first business school in the world to seek to deliver as much ‘social value’ as it does ‘economic’. This is a significant shift in focus for a business school to take; to seek responsibility to not only... Read More