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Rapid Mass Engagement Webinar Outputs

LCS Networking


This page contains the outputs of the Rapid Mass Engagement webinar that took place on 24th May 2023. The session introduced the book Rapid Mass Engagement by Frank Devine and included a series of polls for participants that addressed issues and challenges relating to the book.

The recording of the session includes Frank's comments on each of the poll results. The winners of the prize draw for a copy of Rapid Mass Engagement are listed at the foot of the page.

Mentimeter Poll Results

Download PDFs of the poll results and the webinar presentation by clicking the boxes below.

Poll Results


The final poll question asked participants to write words that described the book:

Session Video Recording

Prize Draw Winners

The winners of the book are:

  1. Andy Sandford
  2. Carol Dametto
  3. Paul Duffy
  4. Katie Holyoak
  5. Jason Kehoe