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The Lean Toolbox Webinar Outputs

LCS Networking


This page contains the outputs of the The Lean Toolbox webinar that took place on 22nd February 2023. The session introduced the sixth edition of The Lean Toolbox book by John Bicheno and Matthias Holweg and included a series of polls for participants that addressed issues and challenges relating to the book and its previous editions.

The recording of the session includes John and Matthias's learned comments on each of the poll results. The winners of the prize draw for a copy of The Lean Toolbox are listed at the foot of the page.

Mentimeter Poll Results

Download PDFs of the poll results and the webinar presentation by clicking the boxes below.

Poll Results


The final poll question asked participants to write words that described the book:

Some participant comments made during the session

"Agile is the Kings new clothes. If you read the basics its the same with a new focus"
"Agree with that sentiment. Not really effective for incremental change but works well for radical change."
"Yes. I often see it in the Liminal space on the Cynefin."
"Agile is a tool within Lean!"
"David Mann's lean daily management appears to be one answer to combining agile with lean"
"[MH] Yes, it is a great tool in our toolbox to make development processes better (leaner).And many lean tools also appear in agile, such as daily huddles = scrum, kanban, business canvas = A3, etc"
"Talking about the benchmark for Lean in 2030 has been really helpful and I will certainly give it more thought and discuss with colleagues. Thank you"
"Very thankful that we are still calling it Lean"
"Recruit for aptitude, train for skill :)"
"In the NHS we simply have insufficient workforce"
"What Mathias said about we have done lean alludes to the issue with not having sufficient workforce skills, what Bob Emilliani calls Fake Lean.e"
"There are many interdependencies here. If you don't make improvements stick, it is hard to change the culture. If you don't get over the fear of failure, getting anyone to try is a challenge...e"
"Thanks John and Mathias, great session."

Session Video Recording

Prize Draw Winners

The winners of the book are:

  1. Laura Mathieson
  2. Karl Takacs
  3. Andrew Brudenell
  4. Razya Hussain
  5. Hilary Rashday
  6. Jacobs Mikal
  7. Sarah Wooledge
  8. Deirdre Kelly
  9. Laura Richardson
  10. Rebecca Shipley