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Human Lean Webinar Outputs

LCS Networking


This page contains the outputs of the Human Lean Webinar that took place on 8th February 2022. The session introduced the new Human Lean book by John Bicheno and Noel Hennessey and included a series of polls for participants that addressed issues and challenges relating to the Human Lean topic.

The recording of the session includes John Bicheno's comments on each of the poll results. The winners of the prize draw for a signed copy of the Human Lean book are listed at the foot of the page.

Mentimeter Poll Results

Download a PDF of the poll results by clicking the box below.

Poll Results

The final poll question asked participants to write three words that typified the Human Lean topic:

Some participant comments made during the session

"Time allocation and senior management support or intrinsically linked"
"CI seems to get dropped very quickly when cost saving is required which is counter productive."
"Always said Lean was 20% tools and techniques and 80% people!"
"What happened to Humility, essential to Learning?!"
"Psychological safety is crucial for a growth mindset - hard to believe in development if you don't feel safe to suggest change"
"Do people need more time or do they need to prioritise CI more against other activities?"
"I think that Humility should be number one but not on the list"
"Influencer / Visionary - need to be able to build motivation for the change journey"
"The lean leader is an enabler so coaching and empowering are the most important things for me"

Session Video Recording

Prize Draw Winners

The winners of a signed Human Lean book:

  1. Mark Schaffer
  2. Joanne Sabajo
  3. Conrad Hollywood
  4. Martina Murphy
  5. Tanya Adair
  6. Russell Stables
  7. Marco di Paola
  8. Ross Miscandion
  9. Darren Aston
  10. Howard Wilcox