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Accreditation Submission Form Description

Submission Form: Notes

  • You should not click the Submit button at the end of the form unless you want to submit the form as a draft or final version. Note that you can access a submitted form, make changes and then re-submit a new version.
  • A progress bar is shown at the top of each page. You can click on this to navigate to different pages. The submit button is on the final page.
  • When you submit a form, you will receive a copy by email. If you update the form, you will also receive a copy of the new version.
  • Your submission will be acknowledged and an LCS assessor will be in touch to provide feedback.
  • Files uploaded to the form are protected and nobody can access a file through the file’s URL, nor can it be found by search engines.
  • You may not need to complete some sections, depending on the choices made in preceding parts of the form.
  • You must consent to data storage for the form to be sent.

Submission Form Sections Description

Organisation & Background:

This captures contact details, overall organisation context, the use of the LCS, levels covered and certificate volumes.


In this section you add the details of your course(s) - names, aims, learning outcomes, details of knowledge tests (for Standard Accreditation) and practical assessments. Note that the assessment approach taken should be consistent with the key LCS assessment principles:

  • The assessment should include practical implementation evidence (except for Level 1a).
  • There should be a knowledge test for each LCS level where a certificate is awarded.
  • An appropriate training course should be taken for each LCS level where a certificate is awarded


In this section you provide examples of course and assessment material. This can include presentations, workbooks, test questions, project templates, A3's etc. You also assemble and submit an LCS Alignment Matrix and an LCS Levels, Courses, Assessment Summary.


In this section you detail how the courses are taught, typical group sizes, practical activities taught and capabilities of staff delivering the programme. For the latter you complete a Delivery Resource Assessment and submit biographies of delivery staff,


If there are any web based elements of your programme, you provide details in this section.


In this section you outline your approach to quality assurance and continuous improvement, how participants are admitted and how they evaluate training. You can also describe you approach to managing the programme internationally, if applicable.

Support, Administration

In this section you describe how you administer the programme, keep learner records and provide support to learners.

Consent & Submit

In this section you consent to the form data being collected and stored and finally submit. You will be emailed copy of the form on submission and a not about the next steps.