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1. Introduction

Level 3 APLE Certification

Become Level 3 Certified

Section Contents

This section contains information about the Level 3 Programme - the route to Level 3 APLE Certification - covering suitability, benefits, programme components, fees and how to apply. Click in the section contents box to the right to access specific topics.

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Level 3 is the highest LCS qualification and indicates that the holder has a progressive, mature and broad understanding of lean thinking, is a capable lean leader and is able to effectively design and implement lean programmes at a strategic or transformational level.

LCS Level 3 lean certification is gained by completing a Level 3 Programme, which entails developing and submitting a portfolio of evidence that demonstrates the Level 3 capabilities. The Level 3 programme is part of the LCS’s Approved Prior Learning and Experience (APLE) route to personal certification.

The Programme is completed virtually. it does not include formal teaching and generates significant learning from critical reflection, research, reading and analysis.

Click Download for the Level 3 Certification PDF brochure.


Approved Prior Learning & Experience

Certification through Approved Prior Learning & Experience involves an applicant demonstrating they have Level 2 related competence gained from their career. Evidence is provided by an application form which details achievements, knowledge and experience gained through CI roles lists CI related qualifications, plus two case studies that providing evidence of strategic and leadership capability.

An applicant may have gained knowledge from:

  • Formal learning – gained from training by an educational institution or training company, which may have been assessed or certified.
  • Experiential learning – gained through other activities, including casual courses, self-directed on-the-job study, implementations or through other pursuits. start-up training company that has not yet established itself.

An applicant may have gained practical capability from:

  • Work undertaken while employed in a CI related role in an organisation.
  • Projects undertaken for clients as a CI consultant.
  • Ad hoc CI related projects or initiatives while employed in a general management role in an organisation.