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Creating Tests Guide


Tests for SME accredited organisations

Tests for courses delivered by SME accredited organisations are organised and managed centrally by the LCS.

When a test is required for a course, the accredited organisation signals to the LCS that it wants it set up via the Test Set Up Request Form.

This should be done at least one month before a new test is required and one week for an existing test.

It is important that a test is closely aligned to the course material taught, so when a test is initially set up, it is carefully tailored to it. This is achieved by selecting questions from LCS question banks, revising where appropriate, as well as adding new questions on unique topics taught.

Note that responsibility for reviewing the practical aspect of the assessment for Level 1b and above lies with the accredited organisation.


Overall process for setting up a test

Only complete a test set up form when you have all the information required for a test – that is, questions, dates and candidate details.

1. Complete a Test Set Up Request Form.

Click here to access the form >>>

The form requires:

  • The test questions for the course being delivered
    • these could be new questions for an new test, or from an existing test used before
  • The dates for the test window to open and close
  • A list of the candidates who will be taking the test

2. A new entry is made in the Assessment Log

  • The LCS opens a new entry for the test in the accredited organisation’s Assessment Log in Google Drive
    • the log is a spreadsheet with two tabs
    • the first tab lists the overall test plan – eg test name, dates, and key delivery stages
    • the second tab lists the names of candidates and includes their results and date of certificate issue.
    • the accredited organisation’s contact(s) is granted viewing access to its Log

3. A test web page set up and test questions assembled

  • The LCS sets up a bespoke test web page and assembles the test questions (for the latter – only if it’s a new test)
  • The web page includes instructions, advice, time allowance, resit policy, question delivery approach and link to test.
  • The final set of test questions is submitted to the accredited organisation for approval (for new tests)

4. The LCS sets up communications with candidates

  • An advance message is sent, usually 7 to 10 days before the window opens; this includes access information, dates and a link to the test web page.
  • A message is sent on the day the window opens, reminding candidates the test is now open.
  • A message is sent 3 to 4 days before the test window closes, reminding candidates of its closure.

5. The test window opens & candidates take the test

  • Candidates are automatically informed of their results
  • Two test attempts are normally allowed within the window
  • After the test window closes, the LCS updates the Assessment Log with the results

6. Certificates are issued

  • For Level 1a tests, successful candidates are issued with their Certificates of Lean Competency
    • These are either placed in a private Google Drive folder for the accredited organisation to retrieve, or sent directly to candidates by the LCS
  • For a Level 1b and higher test, certificates are only issued when the accredited organisation has confirmed that the candidate has successfully completed the practical part of the assessment, which may be several months after the test has taken place.

7. The invoice is sent

  • The LCS sends an invoice to the accredited organisation after the test window has closed, based on the number of candidates that pass the test.

8. Dealing with Issues

  • There may be some issues to deal with, such as two failures by a candidate, or non-takers – candidates who for some reason could not take the test (eg illness, work priority etc)




Developing Questions for Tests

Use the LCS question banks as a basis to select questions. You can:

  • Select questions as they are, with no amendments
  • Amend the wording of questions to produce slightly different versions
  • Create new questions, not in the question banks – specific to unique topics you cover or contextualised for your organisation or environment

There are four LCS question banks – one for each of L1a, L1b, L1c and L2. To obtain the latest version of a question bank, email the LCS


The default language of tests is English, though you can choose to have them in other languages. Note that you will need to be involved in the question translation process.

Number of Questions

There is no precise formula for deciding on the number of questions in a test, though typically L1a tests contain 20 to 25 questions, while L1b and L1c tests contain 40 to 50 questions. Ultimately, you need to answer ‘yes’ to the question:

“Do the questions cover all the key topics and allow for all the learning outcomes to be assessed?”

Format for submitting test questions

When using the LCS question banks, simply list the question numbers required (by level) or make annotations to the PDF document and return it. The resultant set of questions will be returned to you for approval prior to adding them to the test system.


Technical Guides

LCS MCT Development Guide

This comprehensive LCS guide to multiple choice tests covers:

  • Advantages & Disadvantages of MCTs
  • Development of Tests
  • Alignment to LCS Detailed Level Description
  • Question Design
  • Question Structure
  • Tips for constructing multiple choice questions
  • Types of Questions
  • Comparison with Examinations
  • On Line Tests
  • General Guidelines When Setting Up Online Tests

LCS guidelines for writing learning outcomes

Well crafted learning outcomes are a core ingredient to an effective programme of learning and this guide covers:

  • What is a learning outcome?
  • Learning outcomes and their relationship with aims and objectives
  • Essential points about learning outcomes
  • Writing learning outcomes
  • Learning Outcomes Vocabulary – Choosing a Suitable Verb
  • Learning Outcomes – Examples

Set up a test

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