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Accreditation Folder Update Form

Use this form if you want to update your LCS Accreditation Folder

LCS Accreditation Folder Update Form
  • Instructions
  • Background information
  • The changes
  • Submit
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Use this form when you want to update your organisation's LCS Accreditation Folder with major changes to one or several parts of your training programme/system.

This could, for example, include changes to the organisation or training function, the geographical or organisational scope of training, updated or new courses and assessments, the introduction of online learning, significant changes to teaching methods and delivery staff.

Sample documents relating to the changes or additions should be uploaded where indicated, or you can provide a link to online materials. Your existing LCS Alignment Matrix, Levels, Courses, Assessment & Learning Hours Summary and Delivery Resource Capability Assessment forms also may need updating. The LCS can provide you with the current versions of these documents if necessary.

To complete the form, add information to section 1, then in section 2.1 select the type of changes required. Note that form fields subsequently shown will depend on the selections you have made.

If you wish to save a draft of the form and return to it later to complete, make sure you are logged in as a Guest or Practitioner Member before starting the process.

Do not use this form if you want to add to your accreditation levels. Instead, use the Levels Extension Application Form click here >>>