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The Top Nine Productivity Myths

A never-ending stream of articles each offer a new answer for how to be productive — or the same answer, re-packaged in a new way. And yet, no matter how many articles we read, most of us feel stuck in our same bad habits. Some of the challenge is that it takes time to build habits that lead to greater productivity.

But a big part of the problem is that a lot of the advice out there just isn’t helpful — and can often be counter-productive. Here are nine of the top myths about productivity — pieces of common wisdom that it turns out don’t hold up, and may lead you astray.

Because we like to give you actionable information, we have also come up with alternatives that will help you stay productive — and sane!

Article author Elaine Meyer, published by Doist

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Enhancing Learning: The Power of Continuous Improvement in Greek Language Online Tuition

Enhancing Learning: The Power of Continuous Improvement in Greek Language Online Tuition

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