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Lean qualifications for individuals, consultants and organisations

Industry standard lean qualifications, developed at Cardiff University

Organisations and consultants can have their lean training programmes LCS Accredited, enabling them to issue LCS qualifications. Experienced individuals can also independently gain LCS qualifications through our Approved Prior Learning route and practitioners with LCS qualifications can register for Practitioner Membership and LCS Continuing Professional Development.


For Organisations

Are you an organisation looking to accredit your CI training programme?

For Consultants

Are you a consultant looking to accredit your CI training programme?

For Individuals

Are you an experienced lean practitioner looking for formal qualifications as recognition of your capability?

LCS Continuing Professional Development for individuals

Consciously and proactively develop your capabilities and knowledge through Continuing Professional Development (CPD) using our unique online, structured, PDCA model of improvement.

The CPD process helps you manage your own development on an continuous basis, requiring you to record, review and reflect on what you learn and practice. It allows you to demonstrate your professional standing and commitment to advancing your lean competence to colleagues, the community and clients and help you with your career development.

News & Featured Events

New Accreditations 2024

8th April 2024

New Head of Operations Marks Fresh Chapter for the LCS

13th October 2023

2023 Webinar Programme

15th September 2023

Lean Competency System Celebrates Decade in Business

20th June 2023

Seasons Greetings!

15th December 2022

First Secondary School Becomes LCS Accredtited

7th October 2022

LCS qualifications

The LCS has seven competency levels covering the entire spectrum of lean knowledge and practice.

Standard Accreditation

Find out how to become LCS accredited through Standard Accreditation

SME Accreditation

Find out how to become LCS accredited through SME Accreditation